Quick Start Tutorial

  • First of all, please verify in your Chrome Download Settings that the following option: Ask where to save each file before downloading is NOT checked!
    Otherwise, for every item in the download queue  you will be prompted to choose a name/directory  via a Save As dialog (try to figure out what that means for a list of, say, 500 downloads or more)!
  • Basic usage A more flexible workflow Download list panel Some random tips

    Basic usage

    The user go to some web page, right click and from the contextual menu choose the . This will show a quick download dialog:

    The user checks de desired file types (in our case pdfs) and optionally choose a download directory (defined as a subfolder of the Chrome main Downloads directory) and finally clicks the Download now button.

    The files start to download and, if all goes well, the user will found them in the Downloads/Algebra subfolder.
    That's all!

    Tip: If the user make a text selection on the web page, the addon will try to include only the links from that selection (the context menu will also include the option )

    This minimal workflow lacks advanced filtering/renaming options but may be appropriate in many situations.

    A more flexible workflow

    Say, for example, you visit a math Lecture Notes type site (with many pdf resources) and you need to download only the resources that include the term "group" inside their link text (as user see it on page):

    The typical Simple mass downloader popup window will look like this

    The steps explained:

    Download list panel

    Here you can do the normal download management: start items individually or in groups, pause, resume, cancel, remove items etc.

    Note that there is a Select all button and also is possible to select only a range of items using shift + clickor individually (using ctrl + click)

    The inactive items from the queue can still be edited before downloading, either individually (using the corresponding button) or in group (using the multirename dialog). Note that the selected items can be moved up/down using ctrl + up/down arrow keys. This can be useful when using contor masks, for example.

    The multirename dialog it's a more advanced version of the simple name mask dialog from the resources list panel, with search/replace or preview functionality.

    Finally, the user selects the desired items and clicks the Start selected button. A finished item looks like:

    You can directly open the file clicking its name or open the directory where the file was downloaded using the corresponding folder icon.

    Some random tips

    1. Those items from the resource list that are also on the download list use a distinctive color for their checkboxes ( or ) and cannot be sended again on download list (unless they are first removed from the download list). So, in general, you should not worry for sending the same file multiple times on the download list.
    2. The extension remembers if an item was downloaded in the current session or recent history and make them visible on the resource list using a green color text
      The user can even remove this items using the Remove already downloaded command from the hamburger menu
    3. Note that the user may get all attributes/information available for an individual item from the resource list by right-clicking it. This will open an informative popup with all attributes available for that item ( url/title/text etc.), including a thumbnail view for image type items (see the image above for an example).
    4. The user can adjust the addon popup width using the button
    5. There are some hotkeys available:
      • Ctrl + V for paste/import from clipboard (on both resource and download list panels)
      • Ctrl + A for select all items (on download list panels)
      • Ctrl + S for start selected (on download list panels)